Just a friendly reminder

Since having a ton of google video windows open on a page kinda slows it down, i've limited the main page to 4 posts. Don't forget you can always find older posts in the archive, to the right of the page. If the page is slowed down anyways, clicking on the one you want to watch in the archive will single it out for you.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The History of War;

I'm consistently amazed by the lack of historical perspective so prevalent in the North American world. I'm convinced our education system has failed us. This fucked up system is set up for the benefit of the teachers, not for the youth. This system has the youth regurgitating dates and names for some wash up stuck teaching bullshit to 30 kids who couldn't care less. And why don't they care? Because it's of no relevance to there own life! The tragic thing here is that history is about as relevant as a subject can get, since it consistently repeats itself. If teachers spent some effort attempting to connect with the children and actually botherd to make the material relevant to the youth, we might not have an entire generation with no sense of continuity. We have no idea where we came from, and for the most part are unequipped with the historical reference to form an educated picture of where we're going.


Enjoy! Comment! and fucking pay attention

History Of War

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