Just a friendly reminder

Since having a ton of google video windows open on a page kinda slows it down, i've limited the main page to 4 posts. Don't forget you can always find older posts in the archive, to the right of the page. If the page is slowed down anyways, clicking on the one you want to watch in the archive will single it out for you.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Make it Plain; Louis meets the black supremists

Here's a look at black power groups in the united states. The first video is a look at the life and times of Malcolm X. The second video is a Louis Theroux video (think Louis and the Nazi's) looking at black supremist groups in the united states.

Racial issues in the united states are still fresh. Simply changing laws in the 1960's can't over night change 400 years of state sponsored racism and slavery, however I don't beleave that these groups help anything at this point. In the 60's the likes of Malcolm X where expressing a rage within the black community that stemmed from state sponsored racism, and they helped to wake the white community. However at this point, when the racism doesn't exist in the law books the answer is not militant action. The black community in the united states suffers from the legacy of institutionalized racism however more racism, more violance is not the answer.


Enjoy! Comment! and fucking pay attention

Make it Plain

Louise and the Black Supremists

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