Life is Worth Losing; I Love George Carlin
I love George Carlin.
Enjoy! Comment! and fucking pay attention!
"insane and mutha-fuckin' real"
I love George Carlin.
Enjoy! Comment! and fucking pay attention!
Posted by
6:30 PM
I don't know what to say about these people.
They speak for themselves.
Enjoy! Comment! and fucking pay attention!
Posted by
6:27 PM
Labels: BBC, Nazi, White Power
There is something broken in the American Prison system.
Enjoy! Comment! and fucking pay attention
Posted by
12:29 PM
We should be ashamed and disgusted at the western worlds reaction to the Genocide in Rwanda. While 800,000 people were slaughtered in unimaginably barbaric ways, we sat around in the UN and refused to call the massacre a Genocide, lest we be forced to act.
Enjoy! Comment! and fucking pay attention
Posted by
12:24 PM
Don't ever forget, if your sending information out on your computer somebodies getting it on the other end.
Google knows all about you.......
Posted by
9:21 PM
Ever wonder how the prison guards in Iraq could abuse prisoners as they did? Let them tell you themselves.
Enjoy! Comment! and fucking pay attention
Posted by
11:42 AM
This documentary is called "why we fight".
Why We Fight
Posted by
11:19 AM
This is an excellent documentary looking into the serial killer Ted Bundy. I usually prefer not to warn people about disturbing content because I feel it might steer people away from material that they should see, regardless of how uncomfortable the reality of the situation may be. In this case, i will warn you that although it doesn't contain any graphic violence it does contain extremely disturbing accounts of sadistic violence of a sexual nature carried out by one of the worst serial killers that ever lived in America. If you feel you can't stomach graphic descriptions of rape and murder, you might want to pass this one up.
you have been warned.
Enjoy! Comment! and fucking pay attention
Posted by
11:06 AM
Jeffery Sachs is a man that we should pay attention too. Here you go.
Posted by
11:00 AM
The War on Drugs is a dismal failure. Drugs need to be legal. All drugs too, this argument that Marijuana should be legal but Heroin shouldn't be misses the point. The point isn't whether the drug is "good" or "bad" (by who's criteria, anyways?). The issue is taking drugs out of the black market. The issue is one of the fundamental right to decide what goes into your own body. People who want Marijuana to be legal but feel they have the moral authority to tell people that they can't take Heroin have missed the point, if you ask the right person they'll tell you they have the moral authority to stop you from smoking weed. I'm not saying Heroin is good, or that Heroin and Marijuana are similar, i'm saying that if we were to legalize weed and keep Heroin, Coke, LSD illegal we have failed to learn from the lessons of the past. Nothing we do will make the drugs go away. Anybody who wants to be high on crack will be. Anybody who wants to be high on LSD will be. Anybody who wants to be high on Meth will be.
If we want to take care of the drug problem we have to take care of ourselves. Approach this issue as a health problem, not a criminal matter.
Enjoy! Comment! and fucking pay attention
Posted by
10:54 AM
Lets take a look at Iraq from the people who were there. First video is called Iraq, a Woman's Story. Second video is Jessie Macbeth talking about what he took part in over there.
Enjoy! Comment! and fucking pay attention
A Woman's Story;
Jessie Macbeth;
Posted by
10:26 AM
Astronomy is some crazy stuff. Just another example of fact thats crazier than fiction. The CG is some good stuff, too.
Enjoy! Comment! and fucking pay attention
Part 1; Star Stuff
Part 2; Staying Alive
Part 3; Black Holes
Posted by
10:08 AM
I think you guys might find this interesting. The first film here is Called "Building Gods", it's a great film that goes into the technical, ethical and psychological aspects of Artificial Intelligence. Most people don't realize, but this stuff is just around the corner. People are working towards Artificial General Intelligence, that is, attempting to simulate the human brain in computers. I intend to be one of these people. I'm convinced that by extending intelligence we can further scientific understanding in all areas at a pace that our hardware (brain) is simply incapable of achieving by design. If we are unable to overcome this limitation, or too terrified by the risks involved we will be passing up an opportunity for exponential growth, exponential increases in our understanding of not only the world around us, but of ourselves as well. The second video is by Dr. Ben Goertzel, and might be more suited for the nerdy among you.
Building Gods Rough Cut
Dr. Ben Goertzel
Posted by
9:53 AM
Manipulation of public opinion through fear is no new phenomenon, so lets take a look at where it's coming from. People were so shocked by the current administrations ability to manipulate public opinion through fear and lies, but they aren't doing anything new. These are tried, tested and true methods they've been employing for a long time. They can use these methods because people are too historically ignorant to spot them for what they are. These masters of manipulation have not forgotten the lessons of the past, and so long as the masses do we will fall victim to these methods time and time again.
Lets brush up on our history so these psychopathic politicians have a little less to work with next time.
Enjoy! Comment! and fucking pay attention
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Posted by
9:47 PM
Labels: BBC, Power Of Nightmares, Propaganda
Let's take a peak at some middle eastern schools, shall we?
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I'm consistently amazed by the lack of historical perspective so prevalent in the North American world. I'm convinced our education system has failed us. This fucked up system is set up for the benefit of the teachers, not for the youth. This system has the youth regurgitating dates and names for some wash up stuck teaching bullshit to 30 kids who couldn't care less. And why don't they care? Because it's of no relevance to there own life! The tragic thing here is that history is about as relevant as a subject can get, since it consistently repeats itself. If teachers spent some effort attempting to connect with the children and actually botherd to make the material relevant to the youth, we might not have an entire generation with no sense of continuity. We have no idea where we came from, and for the most part are unequipped with the historical reference to form an educated picture of where we're going.
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History Of War
Posted by
10:48 PM
It's virtually impossible today to say that your not supporting slavery. It's better hidden these days, so the masses don't care, but it's right there if you care to find out.
The thing that pisses me off the most about this whole thing is that corporations are whores. If everybody were to start demanding products that defiantly had not been produced by slaves, (although that's really a joke. 5 cents an hour isn't technically slavery. If we really wanted to stop fucking around we'd demand living wages, but we're lazy, aren't we?), then they'd adapt to market pressures.
But we are lazy, aren't we?
Enjoy! Comment! and fucking pay attention
Posted by
11:26 AM
Labels: Slavery
People need to know where this frenzy of consumerism comes from. Pay attention kiddies, you won't see this shit in school. All you saw in school was a strangely sterilized version of world events that is nearly impossible to apply to the current situation because you're never taught about history in any real depth.... Just dates and names, you remember long enough to regurgitate for your "teacher". Binge and Purge, repeat. This is of no value to todays generation. If you don't know where you're from, you'll never know where your going.
History repeats itself. Can you see how?
Enjoy! Comment! and fucking pay attention.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Posted by
11:21 AM
In case you haven't given Robert Newmans History of Oil a try, here you go. Fantastic piece of performance art.
Posted by
9:03 AM
The Jews have a mantra they like to rally behind. "Never Again". If you weren't aware it's in reference to the holocaust. It's a noble proclamation that another Holocaust would never again be allowed to happen. It's about time for some updating. When they say "Never Again" what they really mean is "Never Again to the Jews". Holocausts are happening, today, while the same people who could ask "Why didn't the Allies do more about the prosecution of the Jews?" do nothing about it. I've got an answer to that question. "The same reason we sit on our asses while North Korea is allowed to commit disgusting human rights violations. Cause it's disturbing to find out about, and much too hard to do anything about. Someone else's life, some one else's suffering isn't worth my effort."
The bottom line is we don't care about human rights violations, unless it suits our needs at the time. Period.
One more thing, being disgusted by what you see here doesn't mean you care. You don't care till your willing to do something about it.
Enjoy! Comment! and fucking pay attention
Posted by
10:58 AM
Labels: human rights, North Korea, totalitarianism
What do you think about when you hear the words "Al Jazeera"?
Enjoy! Comment! and fucking pay attention
Posted by
10:33 AM
Labels: Al Jazeera, Iraq, Media
Kathy Gannon knows what she's talking about. She's talking about a book she wrote after spending 1986 through now living in and reporting on Afghanistan. She knows allot about the internal political landscape of Afghanistan then %99.9 of westerners. This is a very enlightening lecture by a woman with a deep understanding of Afghan politics.
Posted by
10:13 AM
Labels: Afghanistan, CIA, Kathy Gannon, UCTV
Welcome, this would be post numero uno. No readers as of yet, but hey! We'll see where this goes. The plan as it stands, is to post the shit I'm watching online so i can get some sort of discussion going on. Topics are generally of a somewhat political spin, but I'm not gonna set any boundaries as it stands. Comments always welcome, and if anybodies got any good material send it my way!
I'm gonna throw the videos up for starters.
Enjoy guys.
Posted by
9:59 AM
Labels: numero uno