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Thursday, September 21, 2006

The War on Drugs; Law Enforcement Against Prohibition

The War on Drugs is a dismal failure. Drugs need to be legal. All drugs too, this argument that Marijuana should be legal but Heroin shouldn't be misses the point. The point isn't whether the drug is "good" or "bad" (by who's criteria, anyways?). The issue is taking drugs out of the black market. The issue is one of the fundamental right to decide what goes into your own body. People who want Marijuana to be legal but feel they have the moral authority to tell people that they can't take Heroin have missed the point, if you ask the right person they'll tell you they have the moral authority to stop you from smoking weed. I'm not saying Heroin is good, or that Heroin and Marijuana are similar, i'm saying that if we were to legalize weed and keep Heroin, Coke, LSD illegal we have failed to learn from the lessons of the past. Nothing we do will make the drugs go away. Anybody who wants to be high on crack will be. Anybody who wants to be high on LSD will be. Anybody who wants to be high on Meth will be.

If we want to take care of the drug problem we have to take care of ourselves. Approach this issue as a health problem, not a criminal matter.

Enjoy! Comment! and fucking pay attention

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