Just a friendly reminder

Since having a ton of google video windows open on a page kinda slows it down, i've limited the main page to 4 posts. Don't forget you can always find older posts in the archive, to the right of the page. If the page is slowed down anyways, clicking on the one you want to watch in the archive will single it out for you.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Ted Bundy, Natural Porn Killer;

This is an excellent documentary looking into the serial killer Ted Bundy. I usually prefer not to warn people about disturbing content because I feel it might steer people away from material that they should see, regardless of how uncomfortable the reality of the situation may be. In this case, i will warn you that although it doesn't contain any graphic violence it does contain extremely disturbing accounts of sadistic violence of a sexual nature carried out by one of the worst serial killers that ever lived in America. If you feel you can't stomach graphic descriptions of rape and murder, you might want to pass this one up.

you have been warned.


Enjoy! Comment! and fucking pay attention

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