Just a friendly reminder

Since having a ton of google video windows open on a page kinda slows it down, i've limited the main page to 4 posts. Don't forget you can always find older posts in the archive, to the right of the page. If the page is slowed down anyways, clicking on the one you want to watch in the archive will single it out for you.

Monday, September 18, 2006

The Power Of Nightmares;

Manipulation of public opinion through fear is no new phenomenon, so lets take a look at where it's coming from. People were so shocked by the current administrations ability to manipulate public opinion through fear and lies, but they aren't doing anything new. These are tried, tested and true methods they've been employing for a long time. They can use these methods because people are too historically ignorant to spot them for what they are. These masters of manipulation have not forgotten the lessons of the past, and so long as the masses do we will fall victim to these methods time and time again.

Lets brush up on our history so these psychopathic politicians have a little less to work with next time.


Enjoy! Comment! and fucking pay attention

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

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